Thrombozytenforschung (Thrombosis & Antithrombotic Therapy)
- PD Dr. med. Isabell Bernlochner (Leitung)
- Dr. med. Dario Bongiovanni
- Dr. med. Isabel Wustrow
- MSc Melissa Klug
Real clinical experiences of dual versus triple antithrombotic therapy after percutaneous coronary intervention. Wustrow I, Sarafoff N, Haller B, Rössner L, Sibbing D, Schüpke S, Ibrahim T, Anetsberger A, Schunkert H, Laugwitz KL, Kastrati A, Bernlochner I. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2018 Jul 18. doi: 10.1002/ccd.27678. Epub 2018 Jul 18.
Immature platelets as a novel biomarker for adverse cardiovascular events in patients after non-cardiac surgery. Anetsberger A, Blobner M, Haller B, Schmid S, Umgelter K, Hager T, Langgartner C, Kochs EF, Laugwitz KL, Jungwirth B, Bernlochner I. Thromb Haemost. 2017 Oct 5;117(10):1887-1895. doi: 10.1160/TH16-10-0804. Epub 2017 Aug 10.
Ticagrelor versus prasugrel in patients with high on-clopidogrel treatment platelet reactivity after PCI: The ISAR-ADAPT-PF study. Bernlochner I, Mayer K, Orban M, Morath T, Jaitner J, Rössner L, Gross L, Laugwitz KL, Kastrati A, Sibbing D. Platelets. 2016 Dec;27(8):796-804.
Impact of immature platelets on platelet response to ticagrelor and prasugrel in patients with acute coronary syndrome. Bernlochner I, Goedel A, Plischke C, Schüpke S, Haller B, Schulz C, Mayer K, Morath T, Braun S, Schunkert H, Siess W, Kastrati A, Laugwitz KL. Eur Heart J. 2015 Dec 1;36(45):3202-10.
Antiplatelet efficacy of prasugrel in patients with high on-clopidogrel treatment platelet reactivity and a history of coronary stenting. Bernlochner I, Mayer K, Morath T, Orban M, Schulz S, Schömig A, Braun S, Kastrati A, Sibbing D. Thromb Haemost. 2013 Mar 5;109(3):517-24
A prospective randomized trial comparing the recovery of platelet function after loading dose administration of prasugrel or clopidogrel. Bernlochner I, Morath T, Brown PB, Zhou C, Baker BA, Gupta N, Jakubowski JA, Winters KJ, Schömig A, Kastrati A, Sibbing D. Platelets. 2013;24(1):15-25
Prognostic value of a high on-clopidogrel treatment platelet reactivity in bivalirudin versus abciximab treated non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients. ISAR-REACT 4 (Intracoronary Stenting and Antithrombotic Regimen: Rapid Early Action for Coronary Treatment-4) platelet substudy. Sibbing D*, Bernlochner I*, Schulz S, Massberg S, Schömig A, Mehilli J, Kastrati A. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2012 Jul 31;60(5):369-77
Association between inflammatory biomarkers and platelet aggregation in patients under chronic clopidogrel treatment. Bernlochner I, Steinhubl S, Braun S, Morath T, Jaitner J, Stegherr J, Mehilli J, von Beckerath N, Schömig A, Kastrati A, Sibbing D. Thromb Haemost. 2010 Dec;104(6):1193-200
A 2-step mechanism of arterial thrombus formation induced by human atherosclerotic plaques. Reininger AJ*, Bernlochner I*, Penz SM, Ravanat C, Smethurst P, Farndale RW, Gachet C, Brandl R, Siess W. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2010 Mar 16;55(11):1147-58
*equal contribution
*equal contribution
Attenuation of cardiac hypertrophy by G-CSF is associated with enhanced migration of bone marrow-derived cells. Huber BC, Beetz NL, Laskowski A, Ziegler T, Grabmaier U, Kupatt C, Herbach N, Wanke R, Franz WM, Massberg S, Brunner S. J Cell Mol Med. 2015 May;19(5):1033-41. doi: 10.1111/jcmm.12494. Epub 2015 Mar 8.
Human atheromatous plaques stimulate thrombus formation by activating platelet glycoprotein VI. Penz S, Reininger AJ, Brandl R, Goyal P, Rabie T, Bernlochner I, Rother E, Goetz C, Engelmann B, Smethurst PA, Ouwehand WH, Farndale R, Nieswandt B, Siess W. FASEB J. 2005 Jun;19(8):898-909
*equal contribution
*equal contribution
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kardiologie Forschungsstipendium 2018
- ESC (European Society of Cardiology) fist contact initiative Grant 2018
- Else-Kröner-Forschungskolleg
- Kommission für klinische Forschungsprojekte (KKF) TUM
- MSD research Grant
- Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft (DFG) research fellowship: "Vascular biology in medicine-GRK 438"
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